No.Condition Text
1.Compliance with the five standard conditions as defined in regulation 2(1) and set out in schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning: (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007
2.The maximum luminance of the upper fascia sign hereby permitted shall not exceed 60 cd/m2. Reason:- To comply with the recommendations of the Institute of Public Lighting Engineers Technical Report No. 5 (Third Edition) in the interests of amenity, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC65
3.The maximum luminance of the lower fascia sign hereby permitted shall not exceed 60 cd/m2. Reason:- To comply with the recommendations of the Institute of Public Lighting Engineers Technical Report No. 5 (Third Edition) in the interests of amenity, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC65.
4.The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the approved plans, particulars and specifications. Reason:- The Local Planning Authority consider it essential that the whole of the development is carried out and that no departure whatsoever is made from the details approved, since the development would not necessarily be acceptable if partly carried out or carried out differently in any degree from the details submitted. Also, in order that the development accords with Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61.
5.Statement Required by Article 31 (cc) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management) Order 2010: No significant problems were identified during the consideration of the application, and therefore it has been determined in accordance with paragraphs 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.