No.Condition Text
1.The change of use as described in this Prior Approval notification must be commenced not later than three years from the date of this decision.
2.Prior Approval is required (given) in accordance with the details as provided within the application.
3.Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended the use hereby permitted shall be for B8 storage and distribution purposes only and shall exclude all other uses whatsoever including any other use in Class B of the Order, without prior consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Reason:- In the interests of amenity and to enable the Local Planning Authority to retain control over future development in the Green Belt, and in order that the development accords with Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policies DC45 & DC61 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
4.No vehicle over 7.5 tonnes in weight shall access the site. Reason:- In the interests of and for the safety of persons and vehicles using the premises and/or the adjoining road, and in order that the development accords with Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policies DC32 and DC36.
5.All goods and materials shall be stored within the building subject to this application. No goods or materials shall be stored on the site in the open, to the full satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. Reason:- In the interests of visual amenity and to prevent harm to the character of the Green Belt, and that the development accords with Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy Policies DC45 & DC61 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
6.No power tools or machinery shall be used on the premises other than portable hand tools. Reason:- To minimise the impact of the development on the surrounding area in the interests of amenity, and that the development accords with Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61.