No.Condition Text
1.By reason of their bulk, height and mass, the existing and proposed roof alterations would create an overly dominant and disproportionate addition that would represent an intrusive form of development. The roof alterations would cause unacceptable harm to the character and integrity of the host dwelling and the streetscene. They would also unacceptably impact upon the amenity of adjoining neighbouring occupiers, contrary to Policies CP17 and DC61 of the LDF Core Strategy and Development Control Policies DPD (2008), Havering's Residential Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Document (2010) and Policies 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan.
2.Statement Required by Article 35 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015: Consideration was given to seeking amendments, but given conflict with adopted planning policy, notification of intended refusal and the reason(s) for it was given to Phillip Benedict by email on 19 January 2018.