Appeal | 2522 |
Application | P0945.13 |
DETR Ref | APP/B5480/A/13/2209468 |
Lodged | 25-11-13 |
Started | 11-12-13 |
Proposal | Demolition of existing stabling, storage and residential properties on site and construction of 5 dwellings, landscaping and associated works |
Location | Three Horseshoes Farm Noak Hill Road Romford |
Appellant | Mr Nicholas Cooper L&C London Ltd C/O Agent |
Agent | Mrs Sarah Ballantyne-Way 12 Carlton Lodge Carlton Road N4 4NJ |
Officer | Scott Davison |
Type | Non Detrmnation |
Procedure | Written Reps |
Decision Type | Dismissed |
Decision Date | 19-03-14 |