Appeal | 3522 |
Application | P1673.18 |
DETR Ref | APP/B5480/W/20/3246481 |
Lodged | 07-02-20 |
Started | 02-03-20 |
Proposal | Demolition of existing livery yard buildings and the erection of nine dwellings, comprising 4 x 3-bedroom, 3 x 4-bedroom and 2 x 5-bedroom units, with landscaping and associated works at Chapmans Farm, Hall Lane, Upminster |
Location | Chapmans Farm Hall Lane Upminster RM14 1UA |
Appellant | Mr Akin Hunter Hunter Uk Properties Hunter & Co RM14 3BU |
Agent | Mr Matthew Driscoll JTS Partnership LLP The JTS Partnership, Number One, CM13 3DJ |
Officer | Habib Neshat |
Type | Refusal |
Procedure | Written Reps |
Decision Type | Dismissed |
Decision Date | 23-07-20 |