Appeal | 4060 |
Application | P1852.21 |
DETR Ref | APP/B5480/W/22/3297547 |
Lodged | 25-04-22 |
Started | 08-06-22 |
Proposal | Change of Use from Use Class E (c) (i) (Financial Services) to Use Class F1(f)(b) (Place of Worship) and Use Class F2(b) (Community Facilities, Halls or Meeting Place) |
Location | 29-31 Upminster Road South RM13 9YR |
Appellant | RECS Rainham Cultural and Education Soc 29-31, Upminster Road South Rainham RM13 9YS |
Agent | Mr David Hutchison 3 The Old Brewery 21b Warwick Road BN11 3ET |
Officer | Victoria Collins |
Type | Refusal |
Procedure | Hearing |
Date/Time | 23-08-22 10:00 No. of Days 1 |
Decision Type | Dismissed |
Decision Date | 04-10-22 |