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No.Condition Text
1.The site is within the area identified in the Local Plan as Metropolitan Green Belt. The Local Plan, as well as the London Plan and the Guidance Given in the National Planning Policy Framework emphasise that in order to achieve the purposes of the Metropolitan Green Belt it is essential to retain and protect the existing rural character of the area so allocated and that the new development will only be permitted outside the existing built up areas in the most exceptional circumstances. The proposal would not meet any of the exceptions set out in paragraph 154 of the Framework. The very special circumstances which have been submitted in this case are not considered to outweigh the harm of the inappropriate development. Therefore, the proposal would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt, by definition this is harmful and the proposal would conflict with Policy G2 of the London Plan and the objectives of the Framework (NPPF (2023))
2.The proposed development would have a harmful impact on the character and appearance of the green belt by introducing atypical and alien features in an area of open agricultural land with the background of woodland setting which is open and rural in character and introducing forms of development which would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the green belt and reduce the openness. The proposed development would, by reason of its industrial appearance result in an unsympathetic, visually intrusive development which would not preserve the open character of the Green Belt. The proposal would therefore conflict with the fundamental aim of Green Belt Policy and would conflict with the Framework, London Plan Policy G2, Policies 26 and 27 of the Local Plan.
3.Insufficient and inadequate information has been provided with respect to the potential impact of the proposals upon the ecological value of the site and the potential impact upon the protected species and nature conservation, and the Site of Special Scientific Interest, the proposal would therefore be contrary to policies 29 and 30 of the adopted Local Plan 2021, Policy G6 of the London Plan and the policy advice in NPPF 2023.
4.The information provided is considered insufficient to fully consider the impact of the proposal upon highways condition. The scaled drawings have not been provided to consider whether it would be possible for the large construction vehicles to manoeuvre within the narrow residential streets. The proposed access route would be likely to result in significant harm to the amenities of the adjoining local residents with particular reference to the construction phase of the proposed development. In this respect the proposal would be contrary to policies 7 and 23 of the Local Plan and Policy T7 of the London Plan and the policy advice in NPPF 2023.
5.Statement Required by Article 35 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015: Consideration was given to seeking amendments, but given conflict with adopted planning policy, notification of intended refusal and the reason(s) for it was given to the agent on two separate occasions, 22/8.2024 and 910.9.2023.
6.You are also informed the application might be construed to be invalid as the application form has not been appropriately completed. This is with respect to the notification requirement advising landowners to be published in appropriate publication.