No.Condition Text
1.The proposed development would, by reason of its excessively wide gabled front projections, scale, bulk, mass, materiality, lack subservience to the existing dwelling appear incongruous, dominant and visually intrusive in the street scene and rear garden environment harmful to the open and spacious character and appearance of the surrounding area contrary to the Policies 7 and 26 of the Havering Local Plan and the Residential Extensions and Alterations and Emerson Park SPDs.
2.In the absence of a Tree Survey/Arboricultural Impact Assessment and a lack of justification for the removal of the two preserved trees on the site protected by Tree Preservation Order 11-85, would be materially harmful to the character and amenity of the streetscene contrary to Policy 27 of the Havering Local Plan, G7 of the London Plan and the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.
3.Statement Required by Article 35 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015: Consideration was given to seeking amendments, but given conflict with adopted planning policy, notification of intended refusal and the reason(s) for it was given to Mr Desai (Agent) by phone on 07-07-22.
4.For Residential Development Only Please be advised that approval of this application from 1st September 2019 (either by London Borough of Havering, or subsequently by PINS if allowed on appeal following a refusal by London Borough of Havering) will attract a liability payment of £51,600 plus indexation in Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This charge has been levied under s.206 of the Planning Act 2008 and includes both the Mayor of London's CIL and Havering Council's CIL. London Borough of Havering, as CIL collecting authority, has responsibility for the collection of the Mayoral CIL, in addition to Havering's CIL, on commencement of the development. Your proposal is subject to a CIL Liability Notice indicating a levy of £51,600 plus indexation for the application, based on the Mayoral CIL levy rate for Havering of £25/sq.m plus Havering's charging rate for residential of £125/sq.m (Zone A), and the floorspace of 344 square metres. You are advised to visit the planning portal website where you can download the appropriate document templates.