No. | Condition Text |
1. | The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the approved plans (as set out on page one of this decision notice).
For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out as approved. |
2. | The use of the outbuilding shall be limited to purposes incidental to the main dwelling or as living accommodation as an integral part of the existing dwelling known as 10 Victory Road, Rainham and shall not be used as a separate unit of residential accommodation at any time.
The site is within an area where the Local Planning Authority consider that the sub-division of existing properties should not be permitted in the interests of amenity. |
3. | Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, no window or other opening (other than those shown on the submitted and approved plan,) shall be formed in the flank or rear wall(s) of the building(s) hereby permitted, unless specific permission under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 has first been sought and obtained in writing from the Local Planning Authority.
In order to ensure a satisfactory development that will not result in any loss of privacy or damage to the environment of neighbouring properties which exist or may be proposed in the future. |
4. | The roof area of the building hereby permitted shall not be used as a balcony, roof garden or similar amenity area without the grant of further specific permission from the Local Planning Authority.
In the interests of the amenity of the occupiers of neighbouring dwelling. |
5. | Within 6 months of the hereby permitted development details shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority setting out suitable gas protection measures to be employed in connection with the use of the building for residential accommodation. This could include, but not necessarily limited to, the installation of a suitable gas resistant membrane, in compliance with BS 8485:2015+A1:2019, alternative gas protection measures, or 3 months of gas monitoring agreed in writing with the local planning authority, to demonstrate that the risk from landfill gas is adequately controlled. Any gas protection measures shall be carried out in strict accordance with the agreed details.
Upon completion of installation of any gas protection measures, a 'Verification Report' must be submitted demonstrating that the works have been carried out.
Otherwise, the use of the building for residential use shall cease.
Reason: Given the sites location close to historic landfill, insufficient information has been supplied with the application to judge the risk arising from landfill gases (methane, VOCs and carbon dioxide). Submission of an assessment will protect people on or close to the site from the risks associated with migrating landfill gas, and will ensure that the development accords with the Havering Local Plan. |
6. | The annexe hereby permitted shall not be arranged or disposed of as a separate unit of residential accommodation from the use of the main dwelling.
In order that the annex approved remains ancillary to the main dwelling and that the development accords with the Havering Local Plan. |
7. | The garden area shall not be sub-divided at any time and nor shall there be any additional pedestrian or vehicular accesses into the site.
In order that the annex approved remains ancillary to the main dwelling and that the development accords with the Havering Local Plan. |
8. | Statement Required by Article 35 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015: In accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework, improvements required to make the proposal acceptable were negotiated with Mr G Nicastro (Agent) by phone and e-mail. The revisions involved showing the canopy on the building. Neighbours were re-consulted. The amendments were subsequently submitted on 10th October 2024. |