No.Condition Text
1.The development to which this permission relates must be commenced not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason:- To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).
2.The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the approved plans (as set out on page one of this decision notice). Reason:- The Local Planning Authority consider it essential that the whole of the development is carried out and that no departure whatsoever is made from the details approved, since the development would not necessarily be acceptable if partly carried out or carried out differently in any degree from the details submitted. Also, in order that the development accords with Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61.
3.No dwelling unit shall be occupied until the car/vehicle parking area shown on approved drawing AA44707/2011 has been be completed, and thereafter, the area shall be kept free of obstruction and permanently made available for the parking of vehicles associated with the development and shall not be used for any other purpose. Reason:- To ensure that car parking accommodation is made permanently available to the standards adopted by the Local Planning Authority in the interest of highway safety, and that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC33.
4.The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until samples of all materials to be used in the external construction of the building has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall be constructed with the approved materials. Reason:- To ensure that the appearance of the proposed development will harmonise with the character of the surrounding area and comply with Policy DC61 of the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document.
5.No development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of hard and soft landscaping, which shall include indications of all existing trees and shrubs on the site, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for the protection in the course of development. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised within the scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season following completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local Planning Authority. Reason:- In accordance with Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to enhance the visual amenities of the development, and that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61
6.Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, provision shall be made for the storage of refuse and recycling awaiting collection according to details which shall previously have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason:- In the interests of amenity of occupiers of the development and also the visual amenity of the development and the locality generally, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61.
7.Prior to first occupation of the development hereby permitted, cycle storage of a type and in a location previously submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority shall be provided and permanently retained thereafter. Reason:- In the interests of providing a wide range of facilities for non-motor car residents, in the interests of sustainability and in order that the development accords with the LDF Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC36.
8.The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until details of proposed boundary treatment have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved boundary treatment shall be installed prior to occupation of the development and retained thereafter in accordance with the approved plans. Reason:- In the interests of privacy and amenity and to accord with Policies DC61 and DC63 of the LDF Development Control Policies Development Plan Document.
9.The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until details of the measures to be incorporated into the development demonstrating how the principles and practices of the Secured by Design scheme have been included have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, and shall not be occupied or used until written confirmation of compliance with the agreed details has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason:- In the interest of creating safer, sustainable communities, reflecting guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy 7.3 of the London Plan, and Policies CP17 Design and DC63 Delivering Safer Places of the LDF Development Control Policies Development Plan Document.
10.The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a scheme for the lighting of external areas and the undercroft parking area of the development, including any access roads, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme of lighting shall include details of the extent of illumination together with precise details of the height, location and design of the lights. The approved scheme shall then be implemented in strict accordance with the agreed details prior to the first occupation of the development and retained thereafter. Reason:- In the interests of highway safety and amenity. Also in order that the development accords with Policies DC32 and DC61 of the LDF Development Control Policies Development Plan Document.
11.All building operations in connection with the construction of external walls, roof, and foundations; site excavation or other external site works; works involving the use of plant or machinery; the erection of scaffolding; the delivery of materials; the removal of materials and spoil from the site, and the playing of amplified music shall only take place between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday, and between 8.00am and 1.00pm on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays/Public Holidays. Reason:- To protect residential amenity, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61.
12.Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, vehicle cleansing facilities to prevent mud being deposited onto the public highway during construction works shall be provided on site in accordance with details to be first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved facilities shall be retained thereafter within the site and used at relevant entrances to the site throughout the duration of construction works. If mud or other debris originating from the site is deposited in the public highway, all on-site operations shall cease until it has been removed. The submission will provide; a) A plan showing where vehicles will be parked within the site, to be inspected for mud and debris and cleaned if required. The plan should show where construction traffic will access and exit the site from the public highway. b) A description of how the parking area will be surfaced, drained and cleaned to prevent mud, debris and muddy water being tracked onto the public highway. c) A description of how vehicles will be checked before leaving the site, including their wheels, the underside of vehicles, mud flaps and wheel arches. d) A description of how vehicles will be cleaned. e) A description of how dirty/muddy water be dealt with after being washed off the vehicles. f) A description of any contingency plan to be used in the event of a break-down of the wheel washing arrangements. g) A description of how any material tracked into the public highway will be removed. Should material be deposited in the public highway, then all operations at the site shall cease until such time as the material has been removed in accordance with the approved details. Reason:- In order to prevent materials from the site being deposited on the adjoining public highway, in the interests of highway safety and the amenity of the surrounding area, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policies DC61 and DC32.
13.The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until the developer has submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority (the Phase I Report having already been submitted to the Local Planning Authority): a) A Phase II (Site Investigation) Report if the Phase I Report confirms the possibility of a significant risk to any sensitive receptors. This is an intrusive site investigation including factors such as chemical testing, quantitative risk assessment and a description of the site ground conditions. An updated Site Conceptual Model should be included showing all the potential pollutant linkages and an assessment of risk to identified receptors. b) A Phase III (Risk Management Strategy) Report if the Phase II Report confirms the presence of a significant pollutant linkage requiring remediation. The report will comprise two parts: Part A - Remediation Scheme which will be fully implemented before it is first occupied. Any variation to the scheme shall be agreed in writing to the Local Planning Authority in advance of works being undertaken. The Remediation Scheme is to include consideration and proposals to deal with situations where, during works on site, contamination is encountered which has not previously been identified. Any further contamination shall be fully assessed and an appropriate remediation scheme submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval. Part B - Following completion of the remediation works a 'Validation Report' must be submitted demonstrating that the works have been carried out satisfactorily and remediation targets have been achieved. c) If during development works any contamination should be encountered which was not previously identified and is derived from a different source and/or of a different type to those included in the contamination proposals, then revised contamination proposals shall be submitted to the LPA; and d) If during development work, site contaminants are found in areas previously expected to be clean, then their remediation shall be carried out in line with the agreed contamination proposals. For further guidance see the leaflet titled, 'Land Contamination and the Planning Process' Reason:- To protect those engaged in construction and occupation of the development from potential contamination. Also in order that the development accords with the LDF Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC53.
14.The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority making provision for a Construction Method Statement to control the adverse impact of the development on that phase on the amenity of the public and nearby occupiers. The Construction Method statement shall include details of: a) parking of vehicles of site personnel and visitors; b) storage of plant and materials; c) dust management controls; d) measures for minimising the impact of noise and ,if appropriate, vibration arising from construction activities; e) predicted noise and, if appropriate, vibration levels for construction using methodologies and at points agreed with the Local Planning Authority; f) scheme for monitoring noise and if appropriate, vibration levels using methodologies and at points agreed with the Local Planning Authorities; g) scheme for security fencing/hoardings, depicting a readily visible 24-hour contact number for queries or emergencies; h) details of disposal of waste arising from the construction programme, including final disposal points. The burning of waste on the site at any time is specifically precluded. And the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and statement. Reason:- To protect residential amenity, and in order that the development accords the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61.
15.The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the developer has provided the Local Planning Authority with a copy of the Interim Code Certificate confirming that the development design achieves a minimum Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 rating. Within 6 months of the date of the final occupation of all the residential units the Final Code Certificate of Compliance shall be provided to the Local Planning Authority in order to ensure that the required minimum rating has been achieved. Reason:- In the interests of energy efficiency and sustainability in accordance with Policy DC49 of the LDF Development Control Policies Development Plan Document.
16.The renewable energy system for the development shall be installed in accordance with details previously submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be made operational prior to the residential occupation of the development. Thereafter, it shall be permanently retained. Reason:- In the interests of energy efficiency and sustainability in accordance with Policy DC50 of the LDF Development Control Policies Development Plan Document.
17.Pedestrian visibility splays shall be provided on either side of the access points onto the public highway of 2.1 by 2.1 metre back to the boundary of the public footway. Thereafter the visibility splay shall be permanently retained and kept free from obstruction or object higher than 0.6 metres within the visibility splay. Reason:- In the interests of highway safety, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC32.
18.All necessary agreements, notices or licences to enable the proposed alterations to the Public Highway as required by the development shall be entered into prior to the commencement of development. Reason:- In the interests of ensuring good design and ensuring public safety and to comply with policies CP10, CP17, and DC61 of the Core Strategy and Development Control Policies DPD.
19.No part of the building shall be occupied until the proposed alterations to the public highway, including the proposed delivery bay as shown on approved drawing 047.0020.100 has undertaken in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason:- In the interests of highway safety, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC32.
20.The proposed flats on the first and second floors on the south eastern corner of the development as shown on approved drawings AA44707/2012 and AA44707/2013 shall not be occupied until screening panels have been provided along their eastern edge which are a minimum of 1.7 metre high and which shall be permanently glazed with obscure glass to a glazing rating level of a minimum of level 3. The screening panels shall be permanently retained thereafter. Reason:- In the interests of privacy, and in order that the development accords with the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document Policy DC61.
21.The development hereby permitted shall not commence until the public right of way that crosses the site (Footpath 198) has been formally diverted under the provisions of S257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or another suitable section of the Act). Reason:- The prior diversion of Footpath 198 is necessary to enable the development to be carried out.
22.Statement Required by Article 31 (cc) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management) Order 2010: No significant problems were identified during the consideration of the application, and therefore it has been determined in accordance with paragraphs 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.
23.In promoting the delivery of safer, stronger, sustainable places the Local Planning Authority fully supports the adoption of the principles and practices of the Secured by Design Award Scheme and Designing against Crime. Your attention is drawn to the free professional service provided by the Metropolitan Police Designing Out Crime Officers for North East London, whose can be contacted via or 0208 217 3813 . They are able to provide qualified advice on incorporating crime prevention measures into new developments.
24.The Highway Authority require the Planning Authority to advise the applicant that planning approval does not constitute approval for changes to the public highway. Highway Authority approval will only be given after suitable details have been submitted considered and agreed. If a new or amended access is required (whether temporary or permanent), there may be a requirement for the diversion or protection of third party utility plant and it is recommended that early involvement with the relevant statutory undertaker takes place. Any proposals which involve building over the public highway as managed by the London Borough of Havering, will require a licence and the applicant must contact StreetCare, Traffic & Engineering on 01708 433750 to commence the relevant approval process. Unauthorised work on the highway is an offence. The granting of planning permission does not discharge the requirements under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and the Traffic Management Act 2004. Formal notifications and approval will be needed for any highway works (including temporary works) required during the construction of the development. If any construction materials are proposed to be kept on the highway during construction works then they will need to apply for a license from the Council. If the developer requires scaffolding, hoarding or mobile cranes to be used on the highway, a licence is required and Streetcare should be contacted on 01708 434343 to make the necessary arrangements.
25.The planning obligations required have been subject to the statutory tests set out in Regulation 122 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 and the obligations are considered to have satisfied the following criteria:- (a) Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms; (b) Directly related to the development; and (c) Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.
26.The proposal is liable for the Mayor of London Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Based upon the information supplied with the application, the CIL payable would be £54,800 (subject to indexation). CIL is payable within 60 days of commencement of development. A Liability Notice will be sent to the applicant (or anyone else who has assumed liability) shortly and you are required to notify the Council of the commencement of the development before works begin. Further details with regard to CIL are available from the Council's website.