No.Condition Text
1.The proposed development by reason of its overall scale, bulk, height and design and proximity to the shared boundaries, would dominate the townscape with particular reference to the high quality adjacent buildings flanking the application site fronting Station Road. Further, the proposed rear block by reason of its site coverage and height, would result in a cramped form of development which would be out of character with the prevailing pattern of development in the hinterland surrounding area. The excessive height and bulk of the rear block would have an adverse impact on the light to habitable rooms and over-domineering impact when viewed from the properties 119-to 129 St. Mary's Lane and 1-9 Station Lane to the detriment of the occupiers. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy 7 and 26 of the Local Plan 2021, Policy D4 of London Plan 2021 and the policy advice given in the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.
2.The proposed development is considered to result in harm to highways safety and free flow of traffic, in light of insufficient information provided with respect to manoeuvrability of the service vehicle within the cul-de-sac to the rear as well as taxi drop off onto the main road to the front in close proximity to busy junction. In these regards the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of Policy 23 of the Local Plan.
3.Due to inability to secure contributions towards carbon reduction, the proposal fails to provide a sustainable development, contrary to the provisions of Policies 33 and 36 of the Local Plan and Policy S13 of the London Plan
4.In the absence of an acceptable report, it is feared that the proposal would result in harm to air quality contrary to policy 33 of the Local Plan.
5.In the absence of a legal agreement to provide a training and recruitment scheme for the local workforce during the construction period, the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of Policy 22 of the Local Plan.
6.Please be advised that approval of this application from 1st September 2019, (by PINS if allowed on Appeal following the Refusal by London Borough of Havering Council), attracts a liability payment of ???????£58150 of Community Infrastructure Levy. This charge has been levied under Greater London Authority CIL charging schedule and s211 of the Planning Act 2008. London Borough of Havering Council, as CIL collecting authority on commencement of development will be collecting the Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Your proposal is subject to a CIL Liability Notice indicating a levy of ???????£58,150plus indexation for the application, based on the levy rate for Havering of ???????£25sq.m and the stated floorspace of 2326sq.m You are advised to visit the planning portal website where you can download the appropriate document templates.