No. | Condition Text |
1. | The site is within the area identified in the Core Strategy and Development Control Submission Development Plan Document Policy Plan 2008 as Metropolitan Green Belt. The Core Strategy and Development Control Submission Development Plan Document Policy and Government Guidance as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework 2019 states that in order to achieve the purposes of the Metropolitan Green Belt it is essential to retain and protect the existing rural character of the area so allocated and that new building will only be permitted outside the existing built up areas in the most exceptional circumstances. No very special circumstances to warrant a departure from this policy have been submitted in this case and the proposal is therefore contrary to Policy DC45 of the London Borough of Havering Adopted Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document 2008, Policies 1 and 7.16 of the adopted London Plan 2016, and Policies GG2 and G2 of the Draft London Plan - Intend to Publish - December 2019. In addition, the proposal is contrary of the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019. |
2. | The loss of the Green belt site, in terms of its openness and permanence, would adversely effect the urban edge, and inappropriately encroach into the countryside. This parcel of land currently provides access to amenity space for recreation and leisure, and connection to nature, and the associated physical and mental health benefits to the local community. The contribution this parcel of land brings to encouragement of active lifestyles, and enabling access to recreation space and natural landscapes appears to be overlooked, and mitigation of the loss of these services has not been adequately addressed by the application.The proposal is considered to be contrary to the implementation of Policy CP16 of the adopted Havering Local Plan 2008. Further, he proposal is therefore considered contrary to the implementation of bullet point 3 of Policy SP61 of the London Borough of Havering Adopted Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document 2008, in terms of the impacts upon the visual amenity, ecology and character of the area. In addition, the proposal is contrary of the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019 |
3. | The application site is located alongside the Cranham headwater of the Mardyke, a river along which prehistoric and Roman settlement activity has commonly been found. A footpath and field boundary can be seen diagonally crossing the south west corner of the site on eighteen century mapping and may represent a much older route way. Archaeological impact is likely from both the proposed housing but also from the planner ecology ponds, one of which appears to affect the historic route way. Historic England (GLAAS) recommend a pre-determination assessment in terms of an archaeological field evaluation, as the site lies in an area of archaeological interest. On this basis, and in the absence of a pre-determination archaeological field assessment, the application is contrary to the implementation of Policy DC70 of the London Borough of Havering Adopted Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document 2008, and relevant sections of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019 |
4. | Statement Required by Article 35 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015: Consideration was given to seeking amendments, but given conflict with adopted planning policy, notification of intended refusal and the reason(s) for it was given to the applicant at the pre-application stage. |