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StatusTree Work App + Cond     Conditions/Reasons
ProposalT2 Lombardy Poplar; T3 Oak of MWA Arboricultural report Works - REMOVE Reason: The above trees are considered to be responsible for root induced clay shrinkage subsidence damage to the subject property - West View, Noak Hill Road, Romford RM3 7LD Investigations in to the damage have been conducted and the following information/evidence obtained: 1. Engineering opinion is that damage is due to clay shrinkage subsidence. 2. Foundations are bearing on to clay. 3. The clay subsoil has a medium to high volume change potential (NHBC Guidelines). 4. A comparison between moisture content and the plastic and liquid limits suggested desiccation in TH/BH1B (October 2016). 5. Suction values (November 205 site investigation) indicated very severe desiccation in BH1 (BRE Digest 412) located to the left hand side of the property and closest to the offending trees. Suction values of this amplitude only arise from an external force i.e. soil drying by significant vegetation. 6. Live roots from the subject poplar were recovered from below foundation depth in TP/BH1 to a depth of 3m below ground level but may extend below this depth. No roots from the oak were recovered although this is considered to be due to the inherent limitations of the excavations and based on the size and proximity of the tree, its roots will almost certainly be present below the foundations. 7. The observed desiccation is coincident with recorded root activity. 8. Desiccation is at depths beyond ambient soil drying effects and entirely consistent with the soil drying effects of significant vegetation. 9. Level monitoring for the period 03.10.16 to 13.10.17 has recorded a cyclical pattern of movement indicative of the effects of the offending trees on soil moisture and volumes to the rear and left of the property. The uplift phase of the building can only be attributable to an expanding clay soil from a desiccated state due to the soil drying effects of the trees. 10. Drains can be discounted as a causal factor given the recorded desiccation and by reference to the level monitoring data. Established evidential and legal tests pertinent to subsidence damage claims have been met and the evidence confirms there can be no other cause of the movement and associated damage at the rear of the property other than the indirect influence of the subject trees. Given the proximity of the trees to the property, removal offers the only predictable arboricultural solution in abating their influence. Pruning does not constitute a viable long term alternative solution in restoring stability.
LocationWest View Noak Hill Road ROMFORD RM3 7LD
Case OfficerTim Goldrick
Decision By22-02-18
ApplicantMr & Mrs Croot West View, Noak Hill Road ROMFORD RM3 7LD
AgentJoanna Ridley Bloxham Mill Business Centre Barford Road Bloxham Banbury OX15 4FF