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ProposalVariation of Condition No. 1 (Accordance with plans) of planning permission ref: P0112.22 dated 19/10/2022 to substitute the approved plans, creating a more informal play area. (Application for reserved matters seeking approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to Condition 1 of Outline Planning Permission (P0248.19) dated 16 September 2021 for the demolition of all buildings and structures on site, and redevelopment of the site providing up to 37 residential dwellings, creation of a new highway access, public open space and landscaping and related infrastructure. Details are provided to satisfy Conditions 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 26 and 30 of the Outline Planning Permission.)
LocationHall Lane Miniature Golf Club, Hall Lane Upminster RM14 1AU
Case OfficerHabib Neshat
Decision By15-06-24
Target Cmte19-09-24
Site NoticePosted : 27-10-23,     Displayed Until : 17-11-23
AdvertisedIn Press : 27-10-23,     Press Expiry : 17-11-23
ApplicantMr Red Iskandar Abbey House 2 Southgate Road Potters Bar EN6 5DU
AgentMr Red Iskandar Abbey House 2 Southgate Road Potters Bar EN6 5DU