ProposalHybrid planning application for 1) Full Planning Permission for the erection of three buildings comprising 383 residential units (Class C3); 1,920 sqm (GEA) of commercial floorspace (Class E use) and a three form entry primary school and nursery (Class F1(a)); with the erection of a new pedestrian/cycle bridge; new vehicular and pedestrian arrangements; a new public square and civic square; new public realm works; and associated infrastructure and works incidental to the proposed development. 2) Outline Planning Permission with access to be considered for up to 687 residential dwellings (Class C3); community floorspace of up to 2,768 sqm (GEA) comprising a health centre (Class E(e)) and a community centre (Class F1 / F2); up to 4,045 sqm (GEA) commercial floorspace (Class E use) comprising office and flexible workspace, retail use, professional services and leisure use; together with associated infrastructure, alterations to and provision of new vehicular and pedestrian access points; public open space, including a riverside walk; car, motorcycle and bicycle parking spaces and servicing spaces and other works incidental to the proposed development
LocationLand at Bridge Close Romford Havering RM7 0AU
WardSt Albans
Case OfficerRichard Byrne
Decision By20-03-24
Site NoticePosted : 22-12-23,     Displayed Until : 15-01-24
AdvertisedIn Press : 22-12-23,     Press Expiry : 15-01-24
Applicantco agent co agent co agent co agent
AgentMr Giuseppe Cifaldi 33 Margaret Street London W1G 0JD